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Monday, 17 August 2015

How and where start study maths

Study is very important thing in our life. Everyone want the his son or daughter study doing well. Studunt also want to study but sometimes their mind is not so much developed so that they can accept everything given to them. Not every student is topper and no everyone losser .
But today our mindset is that is a child got bettet marks we think that he or she will brillient. But we forget that god sent us on earth and everyone from us are brillient in some things like
and many more.
so not presserised your child to study.
but the basic maths of everyone must be strong because its need you feel everywhere .
so i am rakesh manth not brillient in maths but able to develop you and your chlids basic maths.
as i think that no one from below class 8 Student read it but some time its been possible so i am also tell you about tricks of less then class 8…
1.everytime when you study your maths book always starts from starting -
i know you not understand meaning of this. I want to say that your teacher start a lesson what he tell first you ………formulas but can you think about it that the formula your teacher write in board where to derived . No, if you asked your teacher about it he will surely tell you about it so start asking them and if teacher not tell you complaint your teacher because your parrents pay for it.

start study every lesson from its intro part because in its intro part everything is there
Never "ratttto" Your math formulas derived them and you can do it

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Note - अगर आपके पास हिन्दी में अपना खुद का लिखा हुआ कोई Motivational लेख या सामान्य ज्ञान से संबंधित कोई साम्रगी या प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं से संबंधित कोई भी साम्रगी है जो आप हमारी बेबसाइट पर पब्लिश कराना चाहते है तो क्रपया हमें पर अपने फोटो व नाम के साथ मेल करें ! पसंद आने पर उसे आपके नाम के साथ पब्लिश किया जायेगा ! क्रपया कमेंट के माध्यम से बताऐं के ये पोस्ट आपको कैसी लगी आपके सुझावों का भी स्वागत रहेगा Thanks !

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