50 Important Questions for Railway Exam 2016 :
1. What was the capital of kaniska? - Purushapura
2. Where in India is Jin korbet National Park Located? - Uttarakhand
3. The matterial used in solar cells contains?-silican
4. The indus valley people traded with the?-Mesopotamians
5. Which state is called Spice Garden of India? - Kerala
6. The indian king who opposed alexander was?-Porus
7. Jhum is? - A type of Cultivation
8. In ancient india the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom was at?-Rajgir
9. When alexander invaded india, who were the rulers of Magadha ?-Nandas
10. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC?-Vaishali
11. How does the sun gets its energy?-from nuclear Fusion
12. The tropic of cancer does not pass through ?-Mexico
13. The sun is never overhead at any time in?- South temperate zone
14. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet?-Saturn
15. The distance of the earth from the sun is about?- 149 million km
16. What does the term Lithosphere refer to?-crust of the earth
17. The harappan civilization was discovered in the year-1921
18. The formation of 'Mushroom rock' in desert region is an exampule of?-Abrasion
19. The molten rock below the surface of the earth is called?-Batholith
20. Chemical weathering is most prominent in?-Humid tropical region
21. Ampere is the unite of?-current electricity
22. Distance of the stars are measured in?-light year
23. The correct value of zero degree celcius on the kelvin scale is?-273 kelvin
24. When lake stars breezing the formation of ice will stars first at the?-top
25. A gas behaves as an ideal gas more closely?-low pressure and low tempreture
26. Glaciers always melt at the.....first?-bottom
27. Calorimeters are generally made of?-copper
28. Metal tea pots have wooden handles because?-wood is the bad conductor of heat
29. Pitch of sounds depends on?-frequency
30. The Doppler's effect is applicable for?-light wave and sound wave
31. Why are noble gases called so?-due to their chemical inertness
32. On adding little phosphorous to silicon we get?-metallic
33. Who is the father of chemistry ?-Lavoisier
34. The hybridization of carbon in benzene is?-sp^2
35. Starch is the polymer of?-glucose
36. Longest Dam in India – Hirakund Dam
37. Salicylic acid is used?-as an antiseptic
38. Lead in water can cause?-kidney damage
39. Depletion of ozone layer causes?-skin cancer
40. The people of the Indus valley civilization usually built their houses of-Pucca bricks
41. The term ecosystem is first given by?-Tansley
42. Bile is stored in – Gall Bladder
43. Major aerosol pollutant in jet plane emission is?-fluorocarbon
44. Which gas is responsible for global warming?-carbondioxide and methane
45. Human evolution is originated in?- AFRICA
46. Which type of DNA is found in bacteria?-circular DNA
47. For a color blind person red color appear as?-green
48. Unit of heredity is ?-Gene
49. When an ants bits they inject?-Formic acid
50. BOD is ? – Biological Oxygen Demand.
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
50 Important Questions for Railway Exam 2016
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