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Sunday, 17 April 2016

GK Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam

GK Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam (16.04.2016) - 3rd Shift

1) Founder of Twitter?
Ans: Jack Dorsey

2) Largest moon in solar system?
Ans: Ganymede

3) Madurai is situated beside which river?
Ans: Vaigai river

4) Who invented the Radioactivity?
Ans: Henri Becquerel

5) Other name of BRICS Bank?
Ans: New Development Bank

6) Who is the founder of ABO Blood Group?
Ans: Karl Landsteiner

7) Who is Badminton winner of 1980?
Ans: Prakash Padukone

8) State of India has the largest area of forest land?
Ans: Madhya Pradesh

9) Best place in the World to live?
Ans: Vienna

10) Percentage of salt is present in human blood?
Ans: 0.4 %

11) Temple is fully constructed by granite?
Ans: Birakadeeshwarar Temple

12) India's first super computer?
Ans: Param

13) Which city AIIMS hospital come up in Maharashtra?
Ans: Nagpur

14) When was the AAP established?
Ans: November 26, 2012

15) Which is the largest moon of pluto?
Ans: Charon

16) Old name of Singapore?
Ans: Temasek

17) Find out the odd one. (Rupaya, Ruble, Dinar, Coin)
Ans: Coin

18) Full form of TCP?
Ans: Transfer Control Protocol

19) Name of Parliament of Japan?
Ans: Diet

20) What the money called after paying cash?
Ans: Debited

21) Who was famous king in Chola Dynasty?
Ans: Karikal Chola

22) State of India has the largest area of mangrove forest?
Ans: West Bengal

23) Who is the Indian Prime Minister who got Bharat Ratna?
Ans: Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Madan Mohan Malaviya

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