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Sunday, 20 November 2016

What is a Currency Chest?

What is a Currency Chest?
Distribution of notes and coins throughout the country is done through designated bank branches, called chests. Chest is a receptacle in a commercial bank to store notes and coins on behalf of the Reserve Bank. Deposit into chest leads to credit of the commercial bank’s account and withdrawal, debit.
Functions of Currency Chests...
The Functions of the Currency Chests are:
The major functions of the currency chests are:
To meet currency requirement of public
To withdraw unfit notes
To provide exchange facility from one denomination to another
To make payment requirement of the Government
To exchange the mutilated notes
To avoid frequent movement of cash
Apart from having its own chests at certain places, RBI also has arrangements with other banks which are entrusted with custody of the currency notes and coins for the same purpose.

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Note - अगर आपके पास हिन्दी में अपना खुद का लिखा हुआ कोई Motivational लेख या सामान्य ज्ञान से संबंधित कोई साम्रगी या प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं से संबंधित कोई भी साम्रगी है जो आप हमारी बेबसाइट पर पब्लिश कराना चाहते है तो क्रपया हमें पर अपने फोटो व नाम के साथ मेल करें ! पसंद आने पर उसे आपके नाम के साथ पब्लिश किया जायेगा ! क्रपया कमेंट के माध्यम से बताऐं के ये पोस्ट आपको कैसी लगी आपके सुझावों का भी स्वागत रहेगा Thanks !

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