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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

SSC CGL 2017 Recruitment Exam - Get ready with full energy

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Hello friends...if you are reading this article then you are here to boost your energy.

First of all I want to share some brief idea about this job that I know-

I ping a link here click it and you find full details about this job

Ohh common you know about it

Then why we here

We are here to read some story -

Its a guy name-

Arpit Shukla,

DA in CGL 2015
National rank 660
Selected as TA in CBEC in CGL14.

Bhai there is no such thing called "success story" for me. I will share my motivation and strategy.

I did my btech in 2012 and was working with Accenture as Software Engineer. I was not very happy with the job and wanted to stay close to my home town. So i took transfer from Hyderabad to Gurgaon and due to my transfer, my rating got screwed. So i finally decided to try something else. I had no savings so i could not afford leaving the job.

I filled CGL-2014 form but did not get enough time to study as my job was hectic. The paper was scheduled in Oct-2014, could not remember exact date but it was 3-4 days prior to Diwali. I took leave for 2 weeks and tried to cover as many mocks as i could. I completely ingnored GS and did not practice reasoning. I was good at maths and english. When tier 1 results came, i cleared it (i was sure about clearing the exam) but i scored only 98.75 marks in tier 1 and cut off for tier 1 was 98.50. That was a close call. Well i had almost a month for tier 2. So i again took leave and studies hard. Got around 305 in tier 2. I dint even think that i will be getting anything but luckily got TA in Mumbai customs(joining awaited).

Then i made my mind for CGL 15. I kept on studying for an hour or two everyday. Took leave from 16 July 2015 and my exam was on 9th Aug. I got 133.75 in prelims and 323 in mains. Made some silly mistakes else i would have scored few more marks. And finally i left my job in December.

My Strategy- I practiced extensively, GS from lucent and sscadda, maths from multiple sources and english from SP Bakshi. Ignored reasoning this time as well and secured only 30 in reasoning. I solved at 25 mocks for pre and atleast 40 mocks for mains. Just be consistent and thorough with your basics. You will nail it.

All the best


Okk let's we read an another story-

KAPIL MUNI MISHRA   from Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh

"I  was always an average student in my school  & college time.

After completing in 2011, i wanted  to do but  less percentage was  hinderance  on  my way. So changing my mind

I Started  preparing for banking exam in October 2011,,

i have filled two exam that year
Ibps clerk 159/250 {did not got call for intervew}
Sbi clrek 2012 – did not cleard.

Losing my patience  i quit and did B.Ed.  in 2012-2013, but there i realised   i am moving on wrong path.
Now  i decided  to correct my mistake &  fight with full energy[marta kya nhi krta…..] So i Continued my preparation again &  gave exams.
My result from  july 2013 to till now[ clerk mains] are follows…….

 Session 2013-14

Rrb po 2013 – 118
Rrb clerk 2013- 122
Ibps po 2013 -61
Ibps clerk 2013 -110

Next year  2014-15

Sbi  po 77
Sbi clerk 107
Sbi associates po 84
Ssc cgl 76
Rrb po 108
Rrb oa 160
Ibps po 83
Ibps clerk 132

Next year 2015-16

Sbi po pre 35
Idbi exicutive 54
Idbi manipall po 93
Lic ado 111.75
Ssc cgl 93
Rrb po 118.38
Rrb clerk 144.63(got 68.53)
Ibps po pre 58
Ibps po mains 94.75
Ibps clerk  pre 81
Ibps clerk  mains attempt 175+

After investing my 2 year in  Banking  preparation in may 2015 i  decided to try my best and if i do not success i will quit because i was getting low but by GOD grace & my parents wishes i succeded this time.
Finally after giving  20+ exam and clered  10+  writen and facing  6 interview   i got selected as office assstant  in ryavart  GRAMID BANK OF ARYAVART &  i must say  YE TO AVI SURUAT HAI….
I know it took  long time for me but remember  when you decide to do something youshould do it with your full affords  and  work hard  honestly,  result wll come in your fever definatel you from achieving success.
In my journey somtime  i felt  very low and disappointed But thanks to my friend who were  always with me & motiveted  me in every situation.

My family , specially my  parents and siblings who  were always there to support me.
I also want to thanks to all of you who supported me directly or indirectaly
My parents, my family,my teachers,  my frnds, and relative .

My advise to u friends that  decide ur target ,  belive in yourelf and work hard with full afforts  & honesty you will get whatever you want in your life, nothing is impossible to get behind  ,every success there  is lot of struggle, pain, compromise, sacrifice, support…..

I read somewhere  “try again try again untill u succeed” … motivet me always.

“success consist of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”

So now I think you understand very well what is now. Start now your preparation and cut all the guts.

Best of luck for next exam.

Please share this article with any of your friends who going to prepare for SSC


One more thing-

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Note - अगर आपके पास हिन्दी में अपना खुद का लिखा हुआ कोई Motivational लेख या सामान्य ज्ञान से संबंधित कोई साम्रगी या प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं से संबंधित कोई भी साम्रगी है जो आप हमारी बेबसाइट पर पब्लिश कराना चाहते है तो क्रपया हमें पर अपने फोटो व नाम के साथ मेल करें ! पसंद आने पर उसे आपके नाम के साथ पब्लिश किया जायेगा ! क्रपया कमेंट के माध्यम से बताऐं के ये पोस्ट आपको कैसी लगी आपके सुझावों का भी स्वागत रहेगा Thanks !

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