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Sunday 28 August 2016

Ssc 27 aug 2nd shift

Ssc 27 aug 2nd shift

1. Head of PAC appointed by whom?

Ans: Speaker of Lok Sabha 


2. Smallest Island nation in Indian ocean?

Ans: Maldives


3. Who was the Founder of Theosophical Society?

Ans: Helena Blavatsky 


4. On a clean glass plate, a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because:

Ans: cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass


5. What is the main purpose of Monetary Policy?

Ans: controls the supply of money


6. Which tax is collected by States?

Ans: Service tax


7. Only Viceroy assassinated in India?

Ans: Lord Mayo 


8. Which of the following is not the main objective of Fiscal Policy?

Ans: generating employment


9. Who got first Medal for India in Rio Olympics 2016?

Ans: Sakshi Malik 


10. Indian signed order line agreement with which country?

Ans: Tanzania


11. On July 27th, Ramon Magsaysay award given to?

Ans: TM Krishna 


12. First Filed Marshal of India?

Ans: Sam Manekshaw

13. “The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.”  who said?
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi

14. How many times was the term of the lok sabha extended upto 6 years?

Ans: Once

15. The declaration of constitutional emergency in an Indian state has to be approved by the parliament within ______ months?
Ans: 2

16. How long can a Presidential ordinance remain in force?
Ans: 6 Months

More Questions Will Be Updated Soon ..



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