first state:---
1. To setup happiness department- #Madhya_Pradesh
2. To have a state data center (SDC)- #Himachal_Pradesh
3. To have an open govt data portal- #
4. To approve sewage & waste management
5. To give pension & food benefits to transgenders-#Odisha
6. To pass land little bill-
7. To launched statewide broadband project-#Aandhra_Pradesh
8. To launched DNA profiling of criminals- #Aandhra_Pradesh
9. To draft Law for internal security-
10. To introduced minimum wages for part time workers-
11. To obtained a telecom license & can issue phone no. starting from 797 series-
12. To distribute 2 crore LED bulbs under Ujala Scheme-
13. To sign MOU with AAI & GOI to develop airports under RCS-
14. To ratify GST Bill 2014-
15. To Launch water metro project-
16. To Imposed Food tax on Junk Food-
17. To ban e-cigarettes-
18. To start Rota-virus vaccination Project-#HImachal_Pradesh
19. To be created on Linguistic basis-
20. To issue exclusive budget on agriculture-#Karnataka
21. To pass food security Act-
22. To Sign MOU with GOI for UDAY Scheme-#Jharkhand
23. To pass law against social boycott-
24. To accept electronic motor insurance policy-#Telangana
25. To introduced e-court fee system-
26. To issue soil health card-
27. To achieve 100% primary education-
28. To start e-auctions of mines- rajasthan
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
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