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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Biology notes : cell devision and biomolecules

In this article we will discuss about the Cell division and Biomolecules. Question form this topic frequently asked in SSC Exam.

Cell Division

Cell division is the process by which the parent cell is divided into two or more cells. Cell division is a part of the cell cycle. Cell division is generally of two types:

(1) Mitosis

(2) Meiosis

The major difference between Mitosis and Meiosis



chemical compounds found in living organisms.They are the building block of the life and perform important functioning in living organisms.They are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus.


Lipids include molecules such as neutral fats, oils, steroids and waxes. They perform the following function:

They are hydrophobic in nature.Absorbs shocks.Control the cell activities through hormone actions.Store the concentrated energy.Protection against the desiccation.Steroids is a type of lipids which function both as hormones and structural material.


Carbohydrates are hydrates of carbon.Carbohydrates occur both as monomers and polymers.Small carbohydrates are called as sugars, which commonly include Monosaccharides (single sugar) and Disaccharides( bi sugar). Larger carbohydrates are called as polysaccharides.Store the short term energy.It acts as the structural building material.


Proteins are polymers of amino acids; proteins typically make up about half of the total weight of the biomolecules in a cell excluding water. Proteins play a wide variety of role such as:

Enzymes: in the form of catalyst.Structural material: in the form of keratin (protein found in hair and nails).Contraction: as actin and myosin fibers that interact in muscle tissues for contraction and relaxation.Signalling : Hormones such as insulin that regulate sugar level in blood

Nucleic Acid

Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotide.Each nucleotide has three main components:A ring shaped molecule which belongs to the class of nitrogenous base.A 5-carbon pentose sugar.One or more phosphate groups.DNA and RNA are two types of nucleic acid.


Note - अगर आपके पास हिन्दी में अपना खुद का लिखा हुआ कोई Motivational लेख या सामान्य ज्ञान से संबंधित कोई साम्रगी या प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं से संबंधित कोई भी साम्रगी है जो आप हमारी बेबसाइट पर पब्लिश कराना चाहते है तो क्रपया हमें पर अपने फोटो व नाम के साथ मेल करें ! पसंद आने पर उसे आपके नाम के साथ पब्लिश किया जायेगा ! क्रपया कमेंट के माध्यम से बताऐं के ये पोस्ट आपको कैसी लगी आपके सुझावों का भी स्वागत रहेगा Thanks !

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